The Lost Teachings of Dead Monks

Be careful what you wish for.

Especially if you’re holding an ancient book that can bring to fruition your sweetest dreams–or worst fears.

Warrior-librarian Lilah and her new boyfriend take a routine assignment in Ireland to bring back a dangerous book.

They’ve been warned by the Last Priest of a dead god not to open the package they are couriering back to safety.

They should’ve listened.

Dark magic, black ops, and soul-stealing sex. That’s the world of The Secret Lives of Librarians, the Historical Society, and the ancient priesthood of a long-dead god as they prepare for the coming apocalypse.

If you like dark stories with damaged characters and old-school artifact mythologies, you’ll love the complexities and multi-layerings of this series.

Lost Teachings of Dead Monks: Ancient secrets. Dangerous books. A cursed artifact that changes everything.